"Le Voyage d'Orient"
"Where does the orient start ?
In your first step to the orient"
Just as Le Corbusier found himself at the intersection of modernity and controversy, "Le Voyage d’Orient" collection of Generation78, navigates the East through fresh and eager eyes, seeking the new in the old, the familiar in the alien, the bold in the serene.
In the poetic tribute of this journey, an exploration of a myriad of inspiring contradictions, a sartorial symphony where the melodies of the East and West blend into an enchanting harmony. Visualize a pussybow shirt, imbued with the quintessence of the West, dancing in rhythm with a hand-knitted jumper, its pattern inspired by the intricate Gördes carpets, mirroring the attire of a tradesman in the grand, teeming heart of Grand Bazaar.
"Le Voyage d’Orient" is an ode to the nomadic spirit, a tribute to those who yearn for the horizon, who find a home in the journey itself.